Register as professional eradicator

We operate a hotline for monitoring Asian hornet nests, but we do not currently handle the control process ourselves. The government does not provide reimbursement for the control of Asian hornet nests. However, we do assist individuals who report an Asian hornet nest by providing them with a list of certified professional eradicators in Flanders, whom they can contact at their discretion.

Would you like to be added to or removed from our list of certified professional eradicators? Send an e-mail to and provide your certificate of approved exterminator (training ‘Management of the Asian hornet’) and a proof of private exterminator (e.g. BTW number) to your request. Include necessary information such as the name of your company, email, telephone number, maximum working height in metres, province and municipalities in which you are active. This allows us to provide this overview to those reporting a nest of Asian hornet.

By registering as a professional wasp eradicator, here referred to as the enterprise, you and your enterprise engage in the effective neutralization and removal of Asian hornet (Vespa velutina) nests in compliance with the applicable code of conduct and legislation as well as taking the necessary safety precautions to do so. Vespa-Watch can in no circumstances be held responsible for incidents (damage to people, equipment or materials) or financial losses as a result of the intervention. Vespa-Watch does not intervene in the financial agreements between the enterprise and the nest owner. Vespa-Watch does not provide direct financial or material support to control operations.

Control of the Asian hornet’s nest with diatomaceous earth was possible until 15/12/2023. The amount administered had to be reported when it was used and whether the nest was successfully eradicated or not. When used in VEN and nature reserves, a deviation for the ‘soortenbesluit’ (species decision) had to be applied.

Extra security measures should be taken when removing a nest of the Asian hornet. As such, Inverde, VBI and BSBB organize nest removal trainings specified for this species.